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Severe dehydration Do not underestimate, understand the symptoms and risks

Severe dehydration occurs when the body loses more fluid than the incoming fluid. This condition can generally be identified by feeling very thirsty and the body feels weak. Never underestimate severe dehydration, because it can trigger conditions that endanger your body. In general, water has a very important role for the body, among others to facilitate digestion, remove waste and toxins, wet the eyes and joints, and maintain healthy skin. If your body lacks a lot of fluids and is severely dehydrated, your organs will not function properly.

Recognize Symptoms of Severe Dehydration

Dehydration and severe dehydration can be experienced by anyone. Especially people who consume less drinking water than the fluids the body needs. Fluid needs of each person is different, depending on age, environment, and activities undertaken. Apart from rarely drinking, severe dehydration can be caused by several things, among others due to diarrhea, diabetes, consuming a lot of alcohol, sweating a lot because of fever, exercise, or working in hot weather. Severe dehydration is generally characterized by feeling very thirsty. However, thirst can not always be a benchmark. For example, the elderly (elderly) usually do not feel thirsty even though the body is dehydrated. For this reason it is important to pay attention to other symptoms of severe dehydration, such as:
  • Feeling dizzy and confused.
  • Feeling weak, tired, and wants to pass out.
  • Very rare urination frequency and dark urine.
Dehydration in infants and children, may have different symptoms. Watch for symptoms of dehydration, such as dry mouth and tongue, crying without tears, baby diapers not wet by urine for more than three hours, lethargic or fussy. In addition, the eyes and cheeks, as well as the crown of a child who is dehydrated, can appear sunken.

Threatening Risks Due to Severe Dehydration

When experiencing mild dehydration, you only need to consume drinking water so that your body's fluid needs can be met. However, if you are severely dehydrated, you may need to get medical treatment at a hospital. The medical team will provide fluid intake through an IV. If left without treatment, severe dehydration can trigger a number of conditions and health problems, including:
  • Convulsions

  • When electrolyte levels in the body are out of balance, muscle contractions can occur and a person will experience convulsions and sometimes loss of consciousness.
  • Injury due to hot weather

  • This condition occurs because of sweating a lot due to heavy activity but not accompanied by adequate fluid intake. Symptoms vary from mild convulsions due to hot air to hot stings.
  • Kidney disorders

  • Dehydration that occurs repeatedly and prolonged can cause kidney stones, urinary tract infections, until kidney failure.
  • Hypovolemic shock

  • This condition occurs when blood pressure and oxygen levels in the body decrease due to lack of blood volume. This condition is very dangerous because it can be life threatening.
Avoid dehydration by consuming lots of drinking water before, during and after doing activities. If necessary, add drinking water consumption when doing lots of strenuous activities in open spaces.


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